VNCSara is a free open source project that interacts with any VNC Client. In short, VNC Sara is a web server designed to HTTP Tunnel the VNC Protocol with as little effort as possible. You visit the web site and use the altered TightVNC java app to view your VNC Session. No ports need to be opened on your firewall/router other than the port you wish to use for visiting the web site, usually port 80 or 443.
VNC Sara can run on Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 9,10), Windows (Tested on XP), OSX (Tested on Snow Leopard)
Simply install the software, run it on a internet facing pc and then visit that web site to set it up.
The idea behind VNC Sara was to replace my own existing webex account. Webex is a great tool but I just don't use it enough to require spending the money on.
Beta Version: At the moment the very first version is available, this by no means is a finished product but it should do the job. I haven't yet published the source code because its pretty unreadable but I will release it shortly. If in the mean time you are desperate for the code then just email me.
Please post feed back on the source forge site or email if you'd prefer.
Thanks again